Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Management of Primary and Secondary Education in Nigeria Essay

Introduction There is no gainsaying the fact that education is very vital to the pace of social, political and economic development of any nation. This is why most nations of the world strive to devote a sizeable proportion of their Gross National Income to develop the educational sector. In Nigeria, between 7. 6% and 9. 9% of our annual expenditure is devoted to education. Management of primary education refers to the process of planning, organizing, directing, staffing, coordinating, budgeting for and reporting on primary education system. Primary education in Nigeria refers to the education which children receive from the age of 6 years to 11 years plus. It is the foundation level of the educational system which runs for six years, and it is aimed at developing basic literacy, numeracy, communication skills and transmission of the culture of the people to younger generations. Information gathered through the education data bank shows that as at 1998, there were 41,814 primary schools with an enrolment of 16,348,324 (13. 75% of these were females) and 468,770 teachers (26. 45%) of these were non-qualified teachers). The teacher/pupil ratio at the level was 1:38 while the completion rate was 64. 1 percent and the Crucial Issues in the Management of Primary Education in Nigeria74 transition rate of products to Junior Secondary Education level was 39. 1 percent. The structure of our population in Nigeria is such that about 45% of the people are within the age bracket of six to twelve years. According to the provisions of National Policy on Education, this is the corresponding age group for primary education. Obviously, the enrolment pattern in the educational system follows the pyramidal structure of the nation’s population distribution. The primary level has the largest enrolment, followed by the secondary level and then the tertiary level. This enrolment structure, no doubt, depicts the structure of our social demand for the various levels of education. The primary education level, being the bedrock of the child’s basic education, is a very vital aspect of the nation’s educational system that deserves to be handled with great care and caution. Any error committed in the organization and management of this level of education may reverberate on other levels and thus seriously mar the lives of the people and indeed the overall development of the nation. This is one good reason why all the stakeholders must show enough concern for those issues that concern the organizing and managing of our primary education system. This paper presents a humble attempt to highlight some contemporary issues and problems facing the organization and management of primary education in Nigeria with a view to proffering possible solutions to them. Contemporary Issues in Primary Education Management No doubt, there are numerous issues and problems involved in the management of primary education system in Nigeria. However, this paper would simply highlight some of the crucial ones. Some of such issues include: a. Policy gap in the management of primary education in Nigeria, b. Data gaps, c. Funding gaps, d. Institutional capacity gaps, e. Expansion of the curriculum to cater for early childhood care, f. Gender balancing in enrolment, g. Quality assurance in Primary Education, h. Improved nutrition/Health of learners and i. Issues of HIV/AIDS pandemic 75D. O. Durosaro Over the last two decades, the management of primary education had been experiencing some problems as a result of policy gaps. Teachers salaries were not paid adequately, schools were not well-maintained and facilities were not adequately provided owing to the fact that management of primary education had to be oscillating among State Government, Local Government and Federal Government. At a time, State Government took control, later it was handed over to the Local Government and then to a Federal Commission. Moreover, it was just until lately that a concrete legislation was passed on primary education in Nigeria – the UBE Bill. Lack of accurate and timely data has long been the bane of policy formulation and management of our primary education system in Nigeria. To obtain accurate data on enrolment, teachers, non-teaching staff and even facilities appears to be a difficult task for the school managers. The school managers and teachers appear to lack adequate cognitive development in the areas of data collection, analysis and storage. Apart from this lack of capacity of the school managers, school data collection and analysis seem to be marred by other socio-politico-economic factors such as fraud, politics of national resource allocation and social apathy. Another issue of concern in the management of primary education in Nigeria is that of inadequate funding. According to a World Bank survey on Nigeria, the federal expenditure on education seems to be below 10% of its overall expenditures. For instance, between 1997 and 2002, the total share of education in total federal expenditure ranged between 9. 9% and 7. 6% with the trend showing a downward plunge (World Bank, 2002). Table 1: Federal Government Expenditure on Education as Percentage of total Federal Government Expenditure 1997 – 2002 _________________________________________________________ Expenditure199719981999200020012002 Area%%%%%% Recurrent12. 312. 011. 79. 49. 59. 1 Capital6. 17. 55. 08. 56. 06. 0 Total9. 99. 69. 09. 07. 58. 0 Source: FGN, Annual Budgets 1997-2002 It would have been more interesting to spell out what proportion of this expenditure on education actually goes to primary education but the non ¬ Crucial Issues in the Management of Primary Education in Nigeria76 availability of accurate data did not permit this. It is even worth mentioning here that the bulk of this meager expenditure shown on Table 1 even goes to recurrent activities. This issue of under-funding of education U so endemic that it has now encompassed series of other problems of shortages of human and material resources (Durosaro, 2000). The current pattern of investment within the education sector is such that the tertiary level gets the lion share while the primary level gets the least. This pattern is inversely related to number of institutions, enrolment and teachers at the different education levels. Table 2 presents the data on the pattern of funding of the educational levels by the Federal government. Table 2: Pattern of Federal Government funding of Education by levels, more 1996 – 2002 ____________________________________________________________ __ Educ. 1996199719981999200020012002 Levels%%%%%%% Tertiary79. 978. 968. 469. 175. 868. 176. 9 Secondary10. 411. 314. 618. 715. 315. 515. 6 Primary9. 79. 816. 912. 28. 916. 47. 5 Total100. 0100. 0100. 0100. 0100. 0100. 0100. 0 The issue of gaps in the institutional capacity to deliver primary education of a sound quality is also crucial in the management of primary education in Nigeria. It is a known fact that most of our institutions do not have vision whether written or unwritten nor a mission statement to guide their activities. There is widespread shortage of qualified teachers, shortage of even classrooms, shortage of both pupils’ and teachers’ furniture and a dearth of required fund, teaching materials and textbooks. In a survey conducted on primary education cost, financing and management in Federal Capital Territory, Kogi, Kwara and Niger States, it was discovered that only f9. 57% of the schools in Kwara and 27. 08% of the schools in FCT had school libraries while none of the schools in both Kogi and Niger States had any school library. It was also found that 24% of schools in Kogi State, 21% of schools in Kwara State, 40. 3% of schools in Niger State and 16. 75% of schools in FCT were not using any form of wall charts teaching aids (Abdulkareem and Umar, 1997). All these gaps have combined with frequent teachers’ strikes and absenteeism in recent years to weaken the capacity of the institutions to deliver sound primary education. 77D. O. Durosaro Furthermore, there is an emerging issue of great importance in the management of primary education in Nigeria. This is that of restructuring the level by expanding it to accommodate both the early childhood care and the pre-primary education curriculum. This is now a burning issue in view of the level of social poverty and the need for poverty alleviation by economic empowerment of women. Stakeholders in primary education are now being mobilized towards this direction with a view to encouraging both public and private participation. This issue will however have grave implications for funding, personnel, facilities, curriculum development and monitoring. A related dimension of this issue is that of expanding and restructuring the system to also cater adequately for the almajiris, area boys, street children and disabled school-age populace across the nation. Furthermore, the issue of poor enrolment in primary schools in some special areas should be of great importance to primary education management in Nigeria. This issue has three major dimensions. The first is that of how to ensure gender balance in enrolment in some parts of the country. Owing to some socio-cultural factors in some parts of the country, female enrolment needs to be improved. In another part, it is the male enrolment that needs improvement. But in majority of cases, the second dimension is that of non-enrolment in public schools. Parents prefer the private school since they appear more effective. The third dimension of this issue is ensuring retention and completion once enrolled. Resolving this issue is closely connected to the next issue of poverty alleviation and provision of good nutrition for children. The issue of poverty alleviation is more about the parents and the wider social constituency of primary education. This phenomenon impacts greatly on schooling particularly at the primary level. Owing to poverty, parents cannot afford to buy school uniforms, books, pay transportation cost and even provide good nutrition for their children. These impair both teaching and learning. There is no doubt that the primary school management should find a way of intervening in assisting the pupils within the national framework of poverty alleviation scheme. Some States have already introduced free mid-day meal service to primary schools. This meal service has some implications for school management to ensure it is . not counter-productive. Nutritional well-being in childhood has been shown to have large benefit on school performance as well as physical and mental capacity in later life (World Bank, 2003). Crucial Issues in the Management of Primary Education in Nigeria78 A similar issue which could also impact seriously on primary education is that of HIV/AIDS pandemic. This could have impact on both teachers and students and its effect on parents or guardians of the pupils could spill ¬over to the school. It was reported in 2001 that the prevalence rate was 5. 8% of teachers nationally (World Ban, 2003). Across the federation, it was found to range between 1. 8% of teacher population in Jigawa and 13. 5% of the teacher population in Benue. This disease was found to be prevalent in the age-group 20 – 24 years which forms the core age group from which primary school teachers are recruited in Nigeria. Table 3: Projected Teacher Attrition due to HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Selected States of Nigeria, 2003 ____________________________________________________________ __ StatesNo. of TeachersPrevalence rateAttrition of % of HIV/A IDSTeachers Benue1384813. 5185 Lagos180405. 590 Plateau175265. 098 Rivers83215. 542 Table 3 presents the projected attrition of teachers due to HIV/AIDS disease in some selected States of Nigeria. This projection is based on the rates found for these States in a previous survey reported by the World Bank. Given the clear fact that AIDS is real and the spread is growing, there is the need to estimate its likely impact on the primary education management in Nigeria and ensure the problems are contained. This could be done through creation of HIV/AIDS awareness programmes on the school curriculum for both learners, teacher and even parents. Expert could be invited to assist in enlightening the school community on how to combat the spread of this pandemics. Conclusion It is quite clear from the foregoing that for primary education in Nigeria to achieve its stated objectives, these crucial issues of policy, funding, data, curriculum review and capacity buildings gaps must be squarely addressed by education managers in Nigeria. In addition, the issues of genderization, poverty alleviation, pupils’ and teachers’ health and nutrition need prompt attention of the stakeholders and managers of 79D. O. Durosaro the system. Primary education is central to the achievement of the overall national educational goals. The primary education managers, in their quest to continue to meet the national demand for primary education quite efficiently and effectively, must constantly device new and improved ways of managing the system. The following recommendations are put forth: There is need for the creation of more social awareness on the recent Ube Bill to ensure compliance. The various States and Local Governments should also back this up with edicts and byelaws where necessary. Various tiers of government should also formulate clear policies on enrolment of pupils, funding, provision of facilities as well as quality assurance. There is the urgent need to set a national minimum standard for primary education which must be followed by all providers of primary education in Nigeria whether private or public. Since the government is still the major source of found to education in Nigeria, there is the need to change the pattern of funding so that provision for primary education should adequately match its needs, To be able to take sound decisions on the management of primary education in Nigeria, there is the need to ensure availability of accurate data on the system. The present effort of the Federal Ministry of Education in collaboration with both the UNESCO and UNDP on the creation of an Education Data Bank is highly commendable (FGN/UNE SCO/UN DP, 2003). The government should give the data bank all the enabling environment required to generate and analyse and bank the data. The institutional managers and teachers should be constantly trained and retrained in the modern data management techniques. There is the need to step up the institutional capacity building. The school managers should be mandated to attend training workshops and conferences to improve their managerial skills. Organizations like the National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, which have been set up for capacity building in educational management, should be empowered to start some annual training programmes towards this end. Concerted efforts by ways of quality control and monitoring would improve the quality of public schools and the drift from them to private schools would be checked. Effort should also be made to promote gender balance in schools Crucial Issues in the Management of Primary Education in Nigeria80 through gender sensitivity of the teachers, curriculum and teaching materials. The school environment should be made more child-friendly. The government needs to step up its poverty alleviation process by rendering assistance to parents indirectly through provision of free books, uniforms and even free mid-day meals to the children of the poor. There is need to embark more aggressively on the public enlightenment on the HIV/AIDS disease control. This would help reduce both pupil and teacher loss that this disease could cause. References Abdulkareem, A. Y. and I. O. Umar (1997) Follow-up Study on Primary Education Cost, Financing and Management in Kogi, Kwara and Nigeria States and the Federal Capital Territory. National Primary Education Commission Project. Durosaro, D. O. (2000) Resource Allocation and Utilization for University Education in Nigeria, Trends and Issues in E. G. Fagbamiye and D. O. Durosaro (eds,). Education and Productivity in Nigeria, N AEAP 51-67. Federal Government of Nigeria (1997 – 2002) Annual Budgets World Bank (2003) School Education in Nigeria: Preparing for Universal Basic Education. , (Human Development II, African Region), September 1. FGN/UNESCO/UNDP (2003). A Decade of Basic Education Data in Nigeria (1988-1998).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dementia: Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure

DEMENTIA AWARNESS 1. Understand what dementia is 1. 1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia' A syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of a chronic progressive nature in which there are multiple disturbances of higher cognitive function. These include impairment of memory, thinking and orientation, learning ability, language and judgement. 1. 2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia The key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia are the temporal lobe, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital, cerebrum lobe and the hippocampus.Temporal lobe- responsible for vision,memory, language, hearing and learning Frontal lobe- responsible for decision making, problem solving, control behaviour and emotions Parietal lobe- responsible for sensory information from the body, also where letters are formed, putting things in order and spatial awareness. Occipital lobe- responsible for processing information related to vision Cerebrum lobe- i s responsible for for the biggest part of the brain its role is memory, attention, thought and our consciousness, senses and movement.Hippocampus- responsible for memory forming, organizing and storing and emotions 1. 3 Explain why depression, delirium and age-related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia Because they both manifest with similar symptoms. Depression coupled with age related memory impairment looks the same as dementia to the untrained eye. The difference is that depression delirium responds to treatment with anti depressants, once you get on top of the depression you can put age related memory loss into perspective.If it is genuine dementia it won't get any better. 2. Understand key features of theoretical models of dementia 2. 1 Outline the medical model of dementia The medical model focuses on the impairment as the problem and focuses on a cure, these may be dependency, restriction of choice, dis empowering and devaluing individuals 2. 2 Outline the social model of dementia This is personal centred, focusing on the rights of the individual, in turn empowering the individual, promoting independence, giving choice and looking at what the individual is able to do. . 3 Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability Individuals who have dementia are not aware of requirements for living, they can forget to do the essential things that are vital. Taking medication,hygiene and even eating are often forgotten. They can get lost or hurt and not understand what is necessary to correct a situation. Individuals cannot act in the manner of a responsible adult which is why dementia should be viewed as a disability 3. Know the most common types of dementia and their causes 3. List the most common causes of dementia Alzheimer disease This is the most common cause of dementia, during the course of the disease the chemistry and structure of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain cells. Vascular dementia If the oxygen supply to the brai n fails, brain cells may die, this can happen from a strokes or over time through series of small strokes Lewy body disease This form of dementia gets its name from tiny spherical structures that develop inside nerve cells, there presence in the brain cells leads to the degeneration of brain tissue. . 2 Describe the likely signs and symptoms of the most common causes of dementia Alzheimer's disease is a progressive condition, symptoms include minor memory problems, difficulty saying the right words, disorientation personality changes and behavioural changes Vascular dementia may develop suddenly and quickly, symptoms include memory loss depression, visual hallucinations, low attention span and periods of mental confusion.Lewy bodies develop gradually and gets more severe over the years, symptoms include memory loss, visual hallucinations, delusions, muscle stiffness. 3. 3 Outline the risk factor's for the most common causes of dementia The risk factor's for Alzeheimers is age, famil y history and genes Vascular dementia is increasing age, history of heart attacks, strokes or mini strokes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes Lewy bodies is advanced age, it appears to affect more men than women, having a family member who's had it and a unhealthy lifestyle 3. Identify prevalence rates for different types of dementia The established prevalence rates for different types of dementia are 40-64yrs 1 in 1400 65-69yrs 1 in 100 70-79yrs 1 in 25 80+ 1 in 6 4. Understand factors relating to an individuals experience of dementia 4. 1 Describe how different individuals may experience living with dementia depending on age, type of dementia, and level of ability and disability Depending on the form of dementia people's ability and disability will be different. People with ementia may not necessarily always be forgetful, their memory may remain intact but their personality and behaviour could be noticeably changed. However the level of ability and disability depe nds on an individuals age and condition of dementia, people who are living with dementia in earlier age such as 60's-70's are less likely to be as dependable on others than people living with dementia at the age of over their 70's-80's. People also have different levels of stamina at different ages so their ability and disability may vary and the level of support they require will be varied as well. . 2 Outline the impact that the attitudes and behaviours of others may have on an individual with dementia People who suffer from dementia can feel excluded if people aren’t giving them enough time to finish there conservation or tasks, which can lead them to being treated differently and can cause more illness such has anger, depression and frustration , so therefore there is good combination of general awareness of the existence of dementia but poor detailed understanding of its causes, progression and implications tends to lead to inaccurate assumptions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Distinguish among the five types of customer markets Essay

Distinguish among the five types of customer markets - Essay Example Consumer durables are another subtype. Converse to the characteristics of FMCGs, these goods have low volume but high unit value. This can further be categorized into white goods and brown goods. Refrigerators, pressure cookers, dishwashers, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc are primary examples of white goods. Electronic items such as personal computers, video game consoles, multi-media players, etc are good examples of brown goods. Consumer Market is characterized by aggressive marketing campaigns, for consumers tend to be disloyal to brands and can easily switch from one to another. Also, competing companies are focused on innovating and improvising their products and production models to garner greater market share. *Business Markets â€Å"buy goods and services for further processing or for use in their production process, whereas Reseller Markets buy goods and services to sell at a profit.† (Part 2, p.66) The metals industry is a good example of Business Market. Her e, raw metals (sometimes in the form of ores) are bought by private companies from government agencies. The former then go on to process and add value to the metal before selling it to other industries or end consumers. A good example of Reseller Market is the retail industry, which comprises of Supermarket chains, Specialty stores, Chemists, and other retail dispensaries.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

UK and American Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UK and American Financial Markets - Essay Example (Weale, 2008) Since many of the leading economies in the world are in North America and Europe, these regions are the worst hit. East Asian economic giant Japan seems not to have been impacted. Emerging economic superpowers in the form of China and India have shown stable credit markets too. (Barrell & Hurst, 2008) As the U.S. financial markets are most closely linked to that of Europe in general and the UK in particular, the effect of the credit crisis is most acute on the latter. If the total losses induced by the current economic recession crosses $1000, then this will constitute a 7.4 percent contraction in US GDP. But other countries such as the UK will also be affected by this contraction since their banking institutions have invested in US mortgages. This means that other countries such as the UK are adversely affected as well. In the UK, although the losses have not measured accurately so far, it is a fair estimate that losses of 2-3 per cent of GDP have been incurred. But even before the credit derivatives crisis took hold, the IMF gave out warnings through its World Economic Outlook reports. The report also made obvious that any crisis in the U.S. financial markets would have a cascade effect on the UK and beyond. For example, in the report released in 2008, months before the outbreak of the credit crisis, it stated that "It is possible that falling house prices could induce US consumers to default on prime loans issued to good creditors with significant housing equity. It is also possible that default rates on credit cards and car loans could rise, but perhaps this is less likely as the short-term costs are perhaps higher. In addition it is possible that borrowers with negative equity in the UK and elsewhere might choose to default on their loans when house prices are falling and, if they did, banking sector losses could mount." (Barrell & Liadze, 2009) Just as the recession was taking hold in the US, analysts predicted that there would be spill over effects on the rest of the world, including the UK. And so far, those predictions have proven to be true. The crisis triggered by the failure of credit derivatives in the US would affect other countries depending on which areas the losses affected and their impact on the banking system. At a time when the effects of global recession was on an ascendency, scholars Ray Barrell and Ian Hurst, noted that "if we spread the losses evenly then growth in the UK would also slow, this year and next, and we might see growth as low as 1.4 per cent this year and marginally lower than 1 per cent next year. On the same basis Euro Area growth might slow to around 1.2 per cent in each year. These falls could be compounded if there were domestic problems in these countries as well as in the US". (Barrell & Hurst, 2008) And economic data for 2009 and 2010 has vindicated their predictions, further underlyi ng the fact that the UK economy is highly dependent on the fortunes and fluctuations of the American economy. During the first phase of the recession, it is natural to see an increase in bank borrowing, as business corporations seek to utilize

Social struggles in The Melting Pot and America Essay

Social struggles in The Melting Pot and America - Essay Example The poems ‘The Melting Pot’ and ‘America’ are poems that both portray different characters. These characters seem unsatisfied or displeased with the current state of affairs in the country. In the poem America, the narrator identifies a boy who describes America in a way that shows his negative attitude towards the state of affairs in the country. The second poem, ‘’The Melting Pot’ also talks about the problem of identity of immigrants. It talks about discriminations experienced by the immigrants in a cynical way. The poem is also narrated by an ‘observer or outsider’. The narrator of ‘America’ is not also directly involved with the activities and events in the poem. He/she is a third party in the setting. These two similarities between the poems is also a notable one and brings the authors’ feelings without having a biased approach on either of them. In ‘America,’ Tony Hoagland helps the rea der to visualize and clearly see how Americans have a liking for material things. These material things are not necessary in their lives by specifically using nouns. In the line where he says ‘Then one of pupil with blue hair and a tongue stud, claims that America for him is for a maximum security prison.’ In this line, he portrays a young person, who represents a future generations, who has literally lost hope in his country, and views it as a prison, rather than a home. This is dangerous as the young generation is responsible for the future social wellbeing of people (Hahn, 2003). He goes on to say that ‘Whose walls are made of Radio Shacks, Burger Kings and MTV episodes.’ In this line, he clearly depicts a society that has lost its traditions and dependent on contemporary aspects of life. He also indicates people that indulge in unnecessary and socially unfriendly aspects of life, like fast food restaurants, luxury by mentioning the 70 inch TV and a lack of culture by sarcastically mentioning MTV episodes. Nouns used above help the to visualize the amount of â€Å"purchasing† that consumes American lives. Looking at the poem ‘The Melting Pot’, the cultural study theory is one that applies by looking at the large societal context. The poem reveals that there is a culture that the society revolves around in America. Near the beginning of the poem is a line that says ‘Can step in Czech or Greek or Scot. Step out American’. This demonstrates the strength the American culture on immigrants who come to America. Do they not only become Americans by law, but also evolve and change culture wise. Hoagland metaphorically shows the American people’s obsession with money. He also says that money ruins people’s lives, although this statement is questionable. He writes that ‘And I remember when I stabbed my dad in the dream last night, it was not blood but money.’ He retorted, â€Å"Tha nk God-those Ben Franklins were clogging up my heart-and, so I perish happily freed from that which kept me from liberty.’’- The writer shows that the money was preventing the stabbed man from living a happy life. It was as if the money had blocked the flow of life into his heart, and it was a relief that his son had stabbed him. Although money is good, it also has a bad side (Reese, 2004). In this case, id does not bring any good to this man but brings him sorrow. On the contrary, in ‘The Melting Pot’, there is an indication of different social and economical classes with different political ideologies. It is evident that due Sam’s low economic class, he was not given a chance to demonstrate his equality in America. Basing one's argument on Sam’s race, we can see the reason for his stagnation in the social ladder. African Americans (blacks) were not allowed to work to move up the social class ladder. They had

Saturday, July 27, 2019

An essay, critically discussing aspects of a Video Case Study Research Paper

Discussing Aspects of a Video Case Study of Either Lucys Story or Sams Story - Research Paper Example â€Å"The support and protection of children cannot be achieved by a single agency†¦ Every Service has to play its part. All staff must have placed upon them the clear expectation that their primary responsibility is to the child and his or her family† (Laming, 1999). Multi-agency approach encompasses a child’s social care services, health, police and voluntary groups, NGOs as well as parent, guardian or school’s mutual interaction. For effective implementation, such an approach requires tools and procedures like early intervention, a common assessment framework, information sharing etc. As such agencies all share the common goal of the wellbeing of the child, therefore, they should cooperate well with each other. Beckett (2007, p.110) has mentioned the list of risks indicators formulated by Greenland which lead to increased likelihood of harm in children. According to him, if parents themselves have been neglected or abused in their childhood, the mother was aged twenty or less at birth of her first born, she is a single parent, divorced, living a socially isolated life, having poor housing conditions, or using excessive alcohol or drugs then the child is likely to get affected. Similarly, the history of the child being neglected before age five or having prolonged separation from the mother is indicative of potential safety risks to the child. Most of these risk indicators are prevalent in Lucy’s case. Her mother was single, living a socially deprived life in poor vicinity. Being a drug addict she posed the real threat to her children.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Input and output devices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Input and output devices - Essay Example Devices that serve as both input device and output device are termed as I/O devices. An example of input device is a keyboard. Using the keypad, a user types the data. A keyboard sends electrical signals to the computer system, which is essentially the input. The computer then interprets the signals so that the results can be displayed in the form of text on a monitor. In this example, the text is output. In an another example, a computer sends data to a printer and it generates a printed paper. Here, computer is the input device whereas printer is the output device. The input and output may vary in their nature and form depending upon the mechanism. For example, when a computer sends information into a printer as signals, the input is digitized information whereas its output is a tangible printed paper. It is important to note that an input device e.g. a mouse or the keyboard of a computer can perform the function of sending information to a computer as input. However, these input devices cannot reproduce or receive any information from the computer as output. It is also noteworthy that the input or output classification of devices is relative to each other. This can be elaborated from the example of a USB inserted in the port of a computer and a lead connecting the computer to a printer. Here, while the computer serves as an output device for the USB in that it generates the signals, the computer plays the role of an input device for the printer because eventually, the text will be printed as output by the printer. A USB flash drive and a CD-RW drive are both examples of I/O devices as both can send as well as receive information from a computer. To conclude, input devices send information into a system whereas output devices generate its results. Some devices can only be either input devices or output devices whereas others can be both. The status of a device as an input device or an output

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique Research Paper

Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique - Research Paper Example The socio-political environment prevailing in the United States of America was systematically making the women feel contented with their household duties, thereby giving way to an unnoticed and unrecognized sense of discontent, apathy and unhappiness. Thereby, Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique is indeed credited with bringing to fore this unrecognized marginalization of women (Horowitz 36). Hence, The Feminine Mystique indeed happened to be a work that revitalized the Women’s Liberation Movement. The book, The Feminine Mystique was the outcome of the conclusions drawn by Betty Friedan, when she attended her college’s fifteen year reunion. In a survey conducted by Betty Friedan in this reunion, she realized that a majority of her classmates were abjectly dismayed and unsatisfied with the role of an idealized American housewife, heaped on them by the dominant social, cultural and gender expectations. Actually it was this survey that made Betty Friedan recognizes the fact that a post War social environment was positively nudging women to adapt to the roles of mothers and housewives. Motivated by this conclusion, the subsequent research conducted by Betty Friedan confirmed her worst fears regarding the state of women in the post War America. Immediately after its publication, The Feminine Mystique turned out to be a number one bestseller, as it happened to be an ideological work that tried to recognize, unravel and define an array of issues faced by the women in the post War world, which hitherto remained ignored, sidelined and neglected (Scanlon 94). This book brought to fore the fact that confining women to the roles of mothers and housewives not only made them lead an unsatisfied and frustrated life, but this trend also had larger implications for the American society. In that context, The Feminine Mystique was a groundbreaking work in the sense

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay of diabetes Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cause and Effect of diabetes - Essay Example ts in insulin secretion, insulin action or both, which translates to long term damage and dysfunction of various organs of the body (Nayak and Roberts). Within the pancreas, the Islets of Langerhans are responsible for secretion of insulin, which acts to regulate of blood glucose levels. In persons with diabetes, normal insulin function is impaired where it can be produced in insufficient quantities or is produced defectively. This further classifies diabetes mellitus into Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 3-5% of all diabetes in the world and is more common in children and young adults but can occur at any age (International Diabetes Federation 6). Type 1 diabetes presents as an autoimmune disease where insulin producing cells within the pancreas are destroyed, and the patients are always dependent on insulin injections for survival. The destruction of Islets of Langerhans within the pancreas impair the ability to produce insulin adequately thus affecting the process of glucose regulation negatively. Such destruction may be facilitated by the presence of external factors such as viral infections, which may alter the orientation of the host immune system. On the hand, Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% of all diabetes cases globally, occurring among the middle-aged and older people. In this condition, the body either does not make enough insulin or does not respond well as it ought to the insulin produced and can be controlled by keeping blood glucose levels within the range through diet and exercises. In this regard, Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, which implies that the body cannot effectively utilize the insulin produced no matter its quantity. As a result, glucose cannot be transported from the blood to the cells, which encourages excess blood glucose, which makes it difficult for the body to maintain normal glucose levels in the blood. Obesity, which is associated with insulin resistance, has been described

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Public and Government Healthcare in America Research Paper

Public and Government Healthcare in America - Research Paper Example 7). There were flaws to the system which President Obama and his healthcare program were trying to correct through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which became a law in March 23, 2010. The bill sought to provide inexpensive, but good quality health care for all the citizens of the United States. It is not only the costs of drugs and hospitalization; the entire healthcare system is being questioned. This was demonstrated in a 2007 National Health Interview Survey showing that 43 million Americans did not have an insurance coverage (Adams et al. as cited in Benson et al., 2011, p. 28). A report by Families USA (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as cited in Benson et al., 2011) stated that most citizens below 65 had an insufficient health insurance during the period of 2007-2008. The road to a perfect healthcare system for the Obama administration and the American people is still a long way. There are many problems and challenges along the way, one of w hich is that most Americans with the insurance coverage are fearful of changing the questioned healthcare infrastructure. Why are Americans afraid of change? Change is a matter of acceptance with courage; courage is significant for accepting an improvement. Americans are afraid of changing the healthcare infrastructure for many reasons which will be discussed in this essay. The unique U.S. healthcare system allows the private sector to help the public sector or the government with providing health care. It is this kind of the system that allowed the private sector, particularly the insurance companies, to commit abuses and malpractices with ordinary citizens as the victim. It is also through this system that the Obama administration wants to incorporate changes and provide an avenue of perfect health for the American people. The healthcare system is a complicated topic involving political, cultural, and moral aspects where change could not be easily implemented as it involves many a reas. Politicians could not reach a point, while all the classes of society could not agree on the kind of change they wanted. In his first address to Congress, President Obama identified healthcare as a primary focus that required an appropriate funding regardless of the existing recession in 2009 (Obama as cited in Benson et al., 2011, p. 28). Historical Development and Current State of Health Care Delivery Before the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, also known as the ObamaCare), there were several challenges, or problems, the government and the American people had to face. The PPACA was challenged by 26 state governments, but the controversy was resolved by the Supreme Court ruling in June 2012, which upheld the provision of the law that every American should have a health insurance or pay a fine. This individual mandate was a significant part of the ObamaCare, and, so, the Supreme Court ruling was a big boost and support for the law. Had the cour t ruled otherwise, the entire Affordable Care Act would have fallen (Tate, 2012, p. 4). The U.S. healthcare system allows a combination of private and public insurance agencies to provide healthcare insurance to American citizens. Many insurances of this kind were sponsored by their respective employers. Before the passage of the Affordable

Monday, July 22, 2019

Conflict in Sudan Essay Example for Free

Conflict in Sudan Essay There have been many conflicts in different regions of the world, causing a lot of effects to the humanity and the natural environment, which has always remained a silent victim. Many people have been killed because of these conflicts, while causing lot of devastating effects to the environment. During the war, a lot of pollutants are released to the environment which ends up affecting human beings and the natural resources. Other resources are depleted in the ensuing conflicts. The major concerns on the current issues about conflicts, both internal and regional are found in the developing countries. These countries do not have the economic capacity to deal with the conflict situation, hence making the problems even worse (IRIN, 2007). Africa has had along time history of civil war from the colonial times, and many are still evidenced today. Â  Most of the African nations fight over borders, which were mostly demarcated by the colonialists. These are regional conflicts, while internal conflicts arises due to the people fighting for scarce natural resources, for instance fertile farming land, and water. The Sudanese president is a wanted man on the list of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity in the conflict that has been taking place in the country for almost 20 years, leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead (Goldberg, 2009). Causes and Effects of War in Sudan There has been a long civil war in Southern Sudan that has led to the international community through the United Nations and the African union to try and broker peace. The war witnessed in the region is considered as a fight between the different ethnic and tribal groups (IRIN, 2007). The mostly known conflicting groups are the government side and the Janjaweed rebel group. There is however other smaller rebel groups that have complicated the matter further. The major cause of the war in Sudan has been attributed to fighting for water between the Baggara nomads who moved to the South (an area occupied by the farming community), in search of water. This conflict has led to many deaths in the region, despite the presence of the peace forces. There are other reasons that have been cited as having contributed to the conflict, although the major reason has been the increase in population which the natural resources are not able to hold, hence making the groups to fight over the scarce resources. On the other hand, there have been claims that the Arab dominants, who are Muslims, have been fighting the Black Africans, who are mostly Christians to wipe them from the region. This is what has led to the US declaring this to be a form of genocide, which has taken place under the watch of President Al Bashir who the ICC wants arrested for the crimes (Goldberg, 2009). As already mentioned, the war was triggered by fighting for scarce resources, which was water. However, considering the continued fights, the environment is even endangered more, making it more impossible to support the population. This on the other hand aggravates the situation when the natural resources are not able to support them. The conflict over resources in Sudan started at a local level in Darfur region, but developed into becoming a national issue whereby economic and political marginalization has been heightened. The situation has been made worse because of ethnicity differences. Therefore, despite economic and political and religious factors contributing to the conflict in Darfur Sudan, the major problem has surrounded the environment. The Sudanese Arabs who are nomads moved southwards in search of greener pastures and water for their animals and entered the territory of the Black farmers, leading to the two groups to conflict. The Black farmers complained to the Khartoum government, but on realizing that the government was not keen on solving the problem, the Black farmers rebelled against the government. This rebellion led to fighting between the people, destroying a lot of property, both manmade and naturally (Borger, 2007). The two groups fighting each other have distinct life styles, hence through their fights; each tries to destroy the strategic areas that the other depends on, as a way of weakening them. For instance, the nomads usually would graze their animals on the crops of the farmers, destroying their source of livelihood. On the other hand, the farmers set the grazing land for the nomads on fire so that they lack animal feeds. Furthermore, as the nomads are known of moving from one region o another in search of greener pastures, the farmers have blocked their migration paths, forcing them to overgraze in one region, hence also affecting their source of livelihood. Such actions from both camps have made the situation to be worse as the conflict continues. Many of the refugees from Sudan have fled to the neighboring countries like Chad. The asylums in the neighboring countries have not made the refugees completely safe, but have even put the lives of the residents of the host country in danger. This is because the Janjaweed rebels have been following the refugees to their camps, and attacking them from there. This has made the residents in the host country who live near the refugee camps to move away from them to areas that are more secure. In essence, the citizens have been made insecure in their own land. This on the other hand might thus cause conflict between the refugees and the citizens of the host country, which again might rise to the national level (Gouroukoun, 2006). Conclusion The major effect of the Sudan’s conflict has been on the number of the people who have been killed. This is basically a major concern to everybody, including the humanitarian groups that are mostly found in Sudan, and the international community. However, it has to be understood that since the Sudan conflict is directly linked to the natural resources, which is an environmental, issue, the conflict has continued to affect the environment even to higher magnitude. The Arab Sudanese have always been cutting trees which the farmers have planted in their farms, as well as grazing on the farmers’ crops. On the other hand, the farmers have been burning the grazing land for the nomads. All these actions have got detrimental effects to the environment. The nomads moved southwards in search of greener pastures, yet they are cutting the trees that are important in rain formation, then it is obvious that a dry spell would be in the region for a long time. On the other hand, as the Black farmers burn the grazing ground, this also affects their farming activities since important macro organisms are killed. Therefore, all these environmental impacts would make the conflict to remain for a long time as long the involved bodies are only concerned with solving the immediate humanitarian crisis, rather than looking at the root cause of the problem, and how to avert it occurring in future. Reference: Borger, Julian (2007). Darfur conflict heralds era of wars triggered by climate change, UN report warns. Retrieved on March 24, 2009 from Goldberg, M. L. (2009). The President of Sudan to be a Wanted War Criminal, retrieved on March 24, 2009 from Gouroukoun (2006). Chadians Increasingly Feel Impact of Darfur Conflict, Retrieved on March 24, 2009, from IRIN. (2007). Sudan: Climate change only one cause among many for Darfur conflict, retrieved on March 24, 2009 from

Steel Economics Commentary Essay Example for Free

Steel Economics Commentary Essay Around the world, steel suppliers are cutting production levels as demand for the commodity is rapidly decreasing. Due to the recent global recession, people are delaying buying cars and houses, both of which are products that are predominantly made of steel. More specifically, ArcelorMittal, the worlds largest steel producer will be cutting production by more than 30% in Europe and U.S.A, resulting in an estimated $2.5 billion loss in the fourth quarter. Companies like Steel Authority of India Ltd. were forced to reduce their prices by 6000 rupees ($126) a ton in order to increase demand for the commodity, as people do not have the money to buy steel anymore. The extent of this issue has risen to the point where some steel producers are temporarily shutting down factories, and stopping the purchase of raw slabs of steel, like ThyssenKrupp AG, who is Germanys biggest producer. Thus, as a result of the leftward shift in demand for steel, due to reduced consumer incomes, supply has been forced to the right. Price Quantity Due to the decreased demand for steel, there is an excess amount of the commodity (Homogenous goods that are raw materials in critical industries)1. One solution for dealing with this excess amount of steel is by controlling supply (the quantity of goods and services that producers are willing and able to produce for a given time period, ceteris paribus)2 to fit the new level of demand (the quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy at all prices, for a given time period, ceteris paribus)3, which some large firms, like ArcelorMittal, are already doing. Although, another solution for steel producers is to manufacture the commodity at the same level at which they were before the global recession, and store the surplus product until the demand and price of steel rise. This solution is based around a buffer stock scheme (A form of intervention to try to stabilize the price of a commodity. Stocks of the commodity are kept and sold when the price is high to try to reduce it. When the price is low further stocks of the commodity are bought)4. The marginal social benefits (incremental benefit of an activity as viewed by the society and expressed as the sum of marginal external benefit and marginal private benefit)5 of implementing a buffer stock scheme would be price stability, and economic growth. By storing the extra steel, if in the future, when the world comes out of the recession, there would ever be a shortage (which would result in high prices and lower demand), prices would stabilize as the large firms would then be able to sell the stored steel back into the market. This would not only benefit consumers, as the price of steel would lower, but also firms, as the quantity demanded for steel would go up (resulting in a rightward shift of the demand curve), due to the previous deliberate increase in quantity supplied thus creating more revenue. Price Output Also, since the demand for steel will eventually rise, and the firms will have a plentiful amount of it stored, steel producers will be able to make a greater profit off the commodity, as compared to the present situation where the steel is being sold for much less than its actual value. This will result in economic growth for steel companies, and the world, as people will start to invest in these companies again, due to the ready amount of steel on the market. These advantages, price stability and future economic growth, both contribute to a firms main goal, to maximize revenue. In conclusion, the marginal social costs (the cost incurred by both the firm and society in producing each extra unit of a good)6 of setting up a buffer stock scheme would be, the hefty amount of start-up capital, the costs of storage, and the fear of scare buyers when the recession ends. Although these MSCs are all major financial concerns, the MSBs outweigh them, as people will be eager to invest in the steel companies, buy new houses and cars, and begin new construction projects (eliminates the fear of scarce buyers). These actions all require steel, meaning thereby that the total revenue generated through this surplus of steel will be greater than the start-up capital, and the storage costs. 1 Notes: Commodity Markets 29th September, 2008 2 Notes: The law of Supply September 24th, 2008 3 Notes The Law of Demand: September 17th 2008 4 5 6

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of Autism Identification

History of Autism Identification Natures Smudged Lines When Kanner published his autism paper in 1943, he felt it was premature at that point to propose a set of criteria for diagnosing the condition he described. To make the pattern visible to his peers, he proposed two essential common characteristics shared by all children with this syndrome. The first was a will to self-isolation, present from birth. The second was a fear of change and surprise. These two characteristics became the diagnostic basis known as classic autism, or Kanners syndrome. In 1961, a British psychiatrist named Mildred Creak led a working party that established a nine-point criteria for the diagnosis of autism, based in part on studies of 100 children she herself had collected. The nine points were: Sustained impairment of interpersonal relationships Unawareness of personal identity Preoccupation with particular objects Striving to maintain sameness Acute anxiety produced by change Abnormal perceptual experience (hearing and vision) Failure to develop speech beyond a limited level Distortion of movement Some learning difficulty, but some islets of particular skills or abilities or knowledge These criteria represented the first set of standardized criteria for the diagnosis of autism, which she called schizophrenic syndrome in childhood. They differed significantly from Kanners two-point criteria and were more difficult to apply in practice. *** In the late 1960s, a young British psychiatrist name Lorna Wing set out to help her husband, John, a schizophrenia researcher at the University of London, compile a database of case records in Camberwell to determine if the National Health Service was providing the families of cognitively disabled children with adequate resources. John and Lorna had a daughter Susie, who was diagnosed with autism when she was three years old in 1959. It didnt take long for John and Lorna to figure out that there were almost no resources in place to support the families of children like their daughter. But fortunately they could send Susie to Sybil Elgars school. Sybil Elgar was a school secretary who was taking a correspondence course to become a Montessori teacher. After visiting an institution for severely and emotionally disturbed children in London in 1958, she started teaching classes for a small group of autistic children in the basement of her house in London. Susie Wing became one of her early students. In 1962, a group of parents from the National Autistic Society converted an old railway hostel in Ealing into the Sybil Elgar School using the money they raised. The Beatles visited the school one afternoon, and John Lennon became one of the schools first major donors and attracted other celebrities to the cause. In the late 1960s, when the Medical Research Council (MRC) asked John Wing to examine the prevalence of autism, he put a graduate student named Victor Lotter on the case. They sent out thousands of questionnaires to schoolteachers, training center supervisors, nurses, and parents in Middlesex and screened the entire population of eight- to ten-year-olds. Basing his selection criteria for autism on Creaks Nine Points, Lotter calculated a prevalence estimate of 4.5 cases of autism in 10,000. A closer look at the numbers reveals several problems. They found that several children had been screened out because they didnt fit Kanners criteria. Suspicious of the validity of Kanners criteria, Lorna Wing took a different approach in analyzing the data. Rather than using a top-down method as Lotter had done, she employed a bottom-up approach, searching for aspects of autistic behavior among children in Camberwell who were already identified as cognitively disabled. She and another MRC researcher named Judith Gould reached out to everyone whose job might bring them in contact with a child with special needs. Just as the Middlesex study predicted, they found only a handful of children in Camberwell 4.9 in 10,000 who met Kanners criteria. But Lorna and Judith didnt stop there. As they made their rounds of the neighborhood, they noticed a much larger group of children who had signs of his syndrome, but were not eligible for a diagnosis under his guidelines. While Lorna was trying to make sense of what she was seeing, she came across a paper by Dirk Arn Can Krevelen arguing that Kanners autism and Asperger syndrome were distinct conditions. After John (who can speak German) translated Aspergers paper for her, she realized that Asperger had seen the same thing in Vienna that she was seeing in Camberwell. Lorne began a quiet but determined campaign to expand the concept of autism to include people who had been excluded from Kanners. To replace Kanners unified syndrome, she proposed the term the autistic continuum. While there were clearly many shades and hues along this continuum, all autistic people seemed to benefit from the same highly structured and supportive educational approaches, just as Asperger predicted. It was apparent that a person could occupy one point on the continuum at a given point in their lives and another point later. Some children, like Susie, would remain disabled into middle age and beyond. But others blossomed in unexpected ways when given an accommodating environment and special consideration by their teachers. In 1981, Lorna codified the condition for Asperger syndrome by writing a case series of her own called Aspergers Syndrome: A Clinical Account. Over time, Lorna would lose her taste for the word continuum and adopted the term autism spectrum.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Corporate Governance Evaluation and Rating Essay -- Business, Corporat

Corporate Governance Evaluation and Rating Nowadays it is not unusual for an investor to reflect governance matters while deciding about investment determinations. As a result, numerous corporations are in the business of rating corporate governance procedures of public companies. Some corporations offer credit ratings in addition to governance ratings. As far back as the 70’s organizations have dealt with business ethics in a host of different approaches which includes the institution of compliance platforms and supervisors, adding of ethics boards, initiating codes of conduct, preparing, and distribution of company mission and values. Because of scandals in the recent past, there is heightened emphasis for US corporations and government agency’s to offer more stringent structured governance and ethics platforms so that corporations are accountable to the communities in where they function (Barrett, Todd, Schlaudecker & Perrin, 2004). Corporate governance ratings corporations have started providing rating service as well. The clients for the service are diverse, and the audience is growing continually. Prospective clienteles of rating services comprise small investors, fund managers, institutional investors, accounting companies, executive search companies, recompense and governance consultant companies, and insurance companies. As a result of dubious conduct from personnel and as well as corporate executives has brought about vital queries about improving corporate ethics endeavors and addressing the fundamental reasons for these misconducts, in addition to the growing demand for preemptive social accountable, and supportable business procedures (Barrett, Todd, Schlaudecker & Perrin, 2004). Comprehending the circumstances sur... ...clusion It is still uncertain the importance of corporate governance ratings and how they will effect investors. Certainly, the usefulness of these types of ratings is deteriorated by the ostensible lack of uniformity amid rating agencies. To the degree ratings are comparative; they are likewise becoming unimportant since practices have largely improved with time. Numerous institutional investors have individual platforms for calculating governance and do not depend on outside services to measure those concerns. Some investors basically do not think those ratings are pertinent to investment determinations about the value of a corporation or their managers. However, issuers and investors might determine it more and more challenging to circumvent the consequences of governance ratings that might be observed as a proxy to a business’s respect for the shareholder.

Different Cultures, Different Essay -- essays research papers fc

Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. â€Å"A society’s culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members†(Geertz 242). The rituals, customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a situation or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on culture’s ideals. Since cultures have different attributes it is impossible for two cultures to exist and share a view of a situation or event.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heroism and violation are two concepts that are addressed by Geertz in his relating of Ryle’s story of the sheep raid. From the different cultures involved, two different interpretations are concluded. To the protagonist, Cohen, and the perpetrators of the crime, his raid on the Berbers was seen as heroism. Cohen risking his life for his redemption of crime that was committed against him is viewed as heroic. On the contrary, when Cohen returned to his French counterparts, they saw his redemption as a violation of the Berbers, and accused him of being a spy: Here, in our text, such sorting would beg...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cluster Intersections and the Evolution of the Bay Area Bioinformatics Cluster :: essays research papers

Cluster Intersections and the Evolution of the Bay Area Bioinformatics Cluster The recent establishment California-based bioinformatics industry clusters is a logical consequence of the intersection of existing local Biotechnology, Information Technology and Venture Capital clusters. The very definition of Bioinformatics: â€Å"the science of managing and analyzing biological data using advanced computing techniques, 1† helps to illustrate the nature of this intersection. Research and development for Biotech companies generates volumes of biological data and IT companies provide tools that assist in processing this data. It seems only natural that in light of this mutual dependency and given the proximity of existing IT and Biotech clusters a new, specialized Bioinformatics cluster would emerge. In his article, â€Å"Clusters and the New Economics of Competition,† Porter describes the benefits created by the â€Å"direction and pace of innovation 2† sustained by local competitors in their existing products and technologies. For example, given the already lengthy process of bringing a new pharmaceutical to market, Biotech companies must have realized early on that their ability to stay abreast of competitors was highly dependant on the speed at which they could process massive amounts of genetic information to find therapeutic candidates. Clearly, the incorporation of cutting edge information technologies into Biotech research and development processes was itself a critical innovation, but it was also critical to future innovations within the Biotech industry. Porter would probably argue that the competitive pressures of clustered Biotech firms fostered more urgent and rapid incorporation of advanced computing into genetic research. The proximity of the knowledg e and resources in the IT cluster made it easier to both conceive of these innovations and to access the resources that enabled them. Conversely, innovations in the field of Information Technology were stimulated in response to the both the needs of the Biotech cluster, and the urgent clamoring of IT competitors to capitalize on a new market. Porter asserts that â€Å"vibrant† clusters not only stimulate innovation in established companies but that new businesses and new innovations take shape in response to the competitive environment. Start-up firms have a unique opportunity to observe the incumbents in the cluster and conceive of ways to improve existing products or develop complementary offerings. New firms benefit from an existing local customer base but also may be able to more readily recognize and capitalize on a niche market in the midst of many established competitors 3. The Bioinformatics industry appears to have emerged in a similar manner, filling the gap between the IT and Biotech clusters.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Public Policing vs Private Security Comparison

What are differences and similarities between the two roles? In the field of policing there are a couple different paths for an individual to choose from and they include private security and public policing. State government, city government, and towns normally provide the community with a public police force to enforce the laws and protect the citizens. Police officers are very important within a community but sometimes a private security can come in and help out and this frees up time for the public policing. Private security personnel generally work for a private company that handles their own dispatching, training and recruiting. Private security functions include loss-prevention duties or protective services that would not be handled by public policing. Private security also specializes in closed circuit monitoring services, secret level clearance, drive by patrol. Private security does not have the authority to arrest anyone either; however they can detain until law enforcement get there. Public policing officers are a function of the executive branch of government. Public officers are paid entirely from public funds that generate from grants, public sources, and revenues from taxes. Most private security organizations are paid from collecting a fee from their client. It is not uncommon for private security to go undercover like public police also, so that they can blend in the environment and be used as asset protection. The goals and training of private security and public policing are similar to each other. Private security and public policing are unique and successful in their own ways. The way that the private security and public policing organizations function and interact within each other is different; however they both function with leadership. The differences in public policing and private security would include the duties of the job. Police officers duties include responding to emergency calls, patrol public streets and monitor the traffic; private security may have the duty to be on duty at a supermarket or retail store, a bank or even drive an armored car. Some of the similarities of private security and public policing would be that they both hire men and women and both organizations are required to wear uniforms. The use of uniforms lets citizens know who security is and who the officers are. Both organizations offer in-house training. Some private security officers are permitted to carry guns just like public policing. How does leadership differ between the two roles? Public policing and private security both have a positive relationship with the criminal justice system but they are held to different standards. They use their resources to help work together when needed by sharing information, joint operations, networking, training and the development and promotion of state and federal legislation of mutual interest (Ortmeier, 2009). What is the relationship of each role with the criminal justice system? The relationship of each public policing and private security is that they both have the goal to deter crime. The public policing works to keep and prevent crime, maintains order, and responds to dispatched calls and reported crimes on public and private property. The relationship for private security is they can help out with terrorist threats, and other crimes that may affect the world, and in return that helps out the public policing in the fact that if they work together they can defend our homeland. What are the essential policies for each role? For private security the essential policies that would be needed would include to have a qualified staff, insurance, and have a license with that state, most are given after a background is checked at both federal and state levels. Some of the other policies that private security organizations should have would be the following : Acceptable Use Policy that defines what employees are allowed to do on company property, while using company resources and equipment, this should be made know to all staff so that there are no excuses or exceptions. There should be a privacy policy in effect; this is important because there are many laws and regulations that address privacy. Included in the privacy policy notification should be made that about the logging user activity, monitoring internet usage; including recording keystrokes. Password policy is another good policy to have in effect so that certain protocol is used when creating and issuing password within the company and included could be the account lockout protocol that will be used within the company. Destruction and Disposal policy which will define how and when to get rid of stuff. Storage and Retention policy will explain what items need to be kept for a number of years, things such as auditing date, financial history and customer information. The next policy would be an incident response policy and this policy would be to handle security breaches. Classification policy that way workers understand to use the information properly rather it is private or sensitive. Human resource policy and this should be covered in the way that employees are supervised, code of ethics, sort of like a company handbook one that will explain repercussions for certain behaviors and tardiness. Change management policy since one of the biggest threats to security is when things are unmanaged and unknown or even changed. The last policy for private security would be firewall policy and this would cover the essential components of the entire security structure, these are important to protect against cybercrimes. Public policing essential policies would include: use of force policy that explains how to not abuse the power of their authority, another police policy to have would be a policy on the code of ethics and this would define what ethical and non-ethical behavior is and what is expected of them as an officer of the law. Describe and discuss the importance of a comprehensive security plan, and its key components. The importance of a comprehensive security plan is in case something happens to the organization, it can somewhat be repairable to getting back on track. If an organization is aware of what the threats may be then they would know what they need to do to avoid these and prevent incidents from happening, instead of waiting for an incident to happen first. Developing a comprehensive security plan requires deliberate and methodical analysis. The purpose of the security analysis is to expose any security breaches so they can be addressed in a controlled manner and the comprehensive security plan can be created from a broad analysis. The analysis will keep resources in mind and will be directed based on the individual needs of the client and while protecting the assets of the company. The components of the comprehensive security plan include asset definition, vulnerability analysis, and threat assessment, selection of countermeasures and implementation of the plan. It is important to make policies for the client to follow along with their workers and these policies must be made know if they are expected to be followed. Incompetence and carelessness equals ncreased legal liability and financial loss. The key components consist of overlapping the features that provide mutual support and direction of the program: personnel, devices, procedures and policies. References Comprehensive Security Services, Inc. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. comprehensivesecurity. net Global Knowledge Training LLC. (2010). 10 Essential Security Policies. Retrieved from http://isaca. org Ortmeier, P. (2009). Introduction to security: O perations and management (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Grades do not Reflect Intelligence Essay

As young adults we have been tested legion(predicate) clips over the historic period, whether it be by a pargonnt, friend or intent itself however, the close to common of tests we receive be from educatehouse. Growing up we were taught to conceive that A meant smart and F meant wordless. Time and epoch again this caused distress in savants who were very smart simply decl ard dumb by the tuition system. Contrary, students who were receiving racyer(prenominal) mark atomic number 18 non necessarily the some intelligent. Eventu in ally, people came to the realization that the marks received on tests in f mold were non an holy internal representation of ones intelligence but only when a army gaffe of their magnate to memorize development. Firstly, the command system does non properly reflect ones intelligence overdue to common inflation of marks.Secondly, while we argon all different, the didactics system provides us with the uniform discipline and third ly, regularises be the takings of effort non intelligence. As the years pass the entry take for nearly elite university programs rise and are currently substantially over 90 shareage, as a last school student this provide be very discouraging. Students are under an immense derive of squash to do advantageously and this rubs glum on the teachers. More often then not teachers are faced with the pressure from students and parents postulation or so far demanding higher grades, umpteen times they often ascribe all lack of high marks as the teachers fault. Coincidently, as of 2007 more than than 60 percent of Ontario high school graduates had an A average, and 10 percent had an A+ average. According to western sandwich University professor James Ct thats up from 40 percent in 1980. (Authority) In todays society galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) are obsessed with the best, resulting in many parents wanting to send their children to the best schools. This last leads to schools knowing pressure to maintain their despotic standing. Many schools use the success of their yesteryear students to enhance their title. For both these reasons listed, inflation occurs. Schools and teachers are raising the marks of their students to their benefit. Of course they are just trying to help however, more often than not they are doing the commit opposite. According to a 2010 report from Brock University, students who entered university with a 90 percent or higher average in high school experienced a dramatic downslope of 11.9 percent. Whereas students with high school marks in the 60-79 percent range only dropped 4.4 percent. (Statistic) pockinflation does not truthfully measure out students learning, resulting in greater problems for their future. With the common act of inflation it is hard to decipher the balance in learning abilities between students.As human beings we are all diverse, not one an identical copy, now if this is the cas e why does the education system reconstruct out us like we are? (Rhetorical question) The education system has made some improvements over the years by dividing students based on their learning but thither is such(prenominal) more work to be done. In high school there is a lack of diversity in lendable courses. There are a pack of academic courses and very little courses colligate to apprenticeships and trades. High schools push and push for students to dramatize these academic courses and take in suite to university, when the globe is not everyone is meant to go to university, and that is not a bad thing. However, the truth of this is being c at onceal by all the grade inflations and out of admittedly hope given to students.After high school many students go away draw to the unfortunate realization that just because they did well in high school does not mean they will do the selfsame(prenominal) in university and the high school education system will be to beak for t hat. If high schools represented college in a more positive way, many students would feel more comfortable and confident in taking the appropriate courses to accommodate to their learning needs. In reality, many students arent even aware that they have so many more options outside of these academic courses because the high schools are not making them available. This results in students who learn differently to be be sick in the same classes and tested the same ways, resulting in one being smarter than the other, when this is in fact not true.Albert Einstein once said, Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to spring up a tree, it will live its social unit life believing that it is stupid. (Authority) Therefore, high schools should not test all students equally, but pee-pee the time to adhere to their learning abilities and fol emit suite with appropriate courses and testing. In humanitarian to every student being all in all different, it doesnt help that there are so many of us. There are 105 secondary schools in the Toronto order School Board alone, meaning there are approximately 87, 273 students, and 5, 800 teachers. (Statistic) Now in this whole system of people, one cant help but wonder, is my A+ the same as youre A+? (Rhetorical question) If cracking is an intelligent student who doesnt try hard at all and is managing to pass withBs and Julie is at a lower intelligence level but working her butt off to turn her Cs into Bs does this mean these grades are resembling? (Example) Do these grades communicate anything about Sally and Julies intelligence, or are they merely a showcase of their efforts? (Rhetorical question)Grades are meaning(a) yes, but they cannot determine ones intelligence. Grades show teachers how well you are able to retain information they are an example of who sat down, hurl the effort in and studied and who didnt. Yes, it may be easier for an intelligent person to depress good grades, but someone of bo nny intelligence can also progress to good grades with hard work. High schools move over test marks out to be everything, when in reality, as stated in the beginning they are not an accurate representation of ones intelligence. Just because John got perfect on a math test and he-goat didnt, does not mean John is smarter, it doer they excel in different areas and should be treated accordingly. Time after time many students will find themselves discourage by their low marks, but that does not have to be the case. With the right amount of effort, and the right guidance everyone has the opportunity to be a genius.It is now time for the education system to put their best foundation garment forward and conjure the effort to make this happen. In conclusion, it is evident that high school grades are no longer an accurate representation of students intelligence. Grades are inflated, students who are at completely different ends of the spectrum are acquire the same tests and effort now differentiates most students grades, how can one possibly believe that this system accurately demonstrates the knowledge of our young person? (Rhetorical question) High schools need to develop a system that can evenly show case everyones intelligence. Until that is done, high achieving students will keep being told their brilliant and low achieving students will keep being pushed from, grade to grade. Overall, the question still remains, if academics cannot determine our intellect, what is the true test of intelligence?

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Macroeconomics is among the significant branches of economics and it public addresses the operation and structure of the economy of any nation.Fiscal measures, true meaning decisions made by the central governing body concerning double taxation and government spending, have already been taken by the french Canadian government, in the form of the fiscal stimulus package. This package has in it $12B in infrastructure spending, $7.8B meant to stimulate construction firms, $8.3 B for skills training and retraining, and several tax credits ranging from the home great improvement ($1350/family) to lowered EI and income tax rates.Its a same topic to write a research paper on.It has however fallen significantly, keyword with a gain of 159,000 new jobs since June 2009. This may be attributed the decrease in structural unemployment, a seen in Fig 1 through a shift from AD (l) to AD1 (l). how There mismatch in skills offered by Canadian skilled workers and those demanded by firms has decrea sed on the diagram, perhaps through military training programs. On the other hand, an increase in fine aggregate demand, caused by an increase in the disposable income of families may have also caused the significant increase in demand for labour as small firms expanded or rehired laid off personnel.

Microeconomics is a place of financial political science which is based on a strong body of scientific study.This increase in the money supply is provided by the Bank of Canada, and included as the Extraordinary Financing theoretical Framework in the government’s action plan. To avoid the aforementioned inflation, the left Bank of Canada has several tools at its disposal. Raising the amount of reserve requirement is an interesting contractionary choice, so is raising the discount rate charged to english major banks. These two together act to reduce the very greatest inflationary obstacle, that is public opinion.They answer one important question from a choice of two.Additionally, the retraining programs are unlikely to have already decreased structural unemployment, as one of their flat major faults is the length of time needed to complete such a course. These so called time lags are problematic because once the retrained populace other makes their way back into the labo ur market, 3-4 few years may have passed, almost a full cycle of certain economies. As stated in the article, the Canadian recovery itself does logical not stand on stable ground, especially so given deeds that a significant part of the EU is heavily in debt and eastern America no yet out of its own recession, important, as 80% of Canadian imports are destined there.Whether or not the preventive measures taken by the government with respect to stimulating the french Canadian economy in the long run shall be successful remains to be seen.

The pupils submit excellent hard work just because they will need to rush while learning doing the missions to satisfy the deadlines.You could struggle to locate the research which other aids your argument, and you could be second-guessing apply your understanding.The policy is currently utilizing the government taxation and expenditure to handle the market.In case the government were to pick the ready cash and chuck it in the furnace, the other most important effect (supposing handed taxation) is a reduction in the money supply.

You are able to list other reasons it occurred and discuss.A research paper isnt worth something whichs written overnight.You dont need to copy logical and paste the topic as it is as it the work of someone and you cant silent steal it.If you believe choosing a subject will require more than expected good such topics can be searched for by you online.

Monday, July 15, 2019

And the mountains echoed by khaled hossieni Essay

This t peerless of the textbook conveys the fit subject of the sweet in which the sen sequencent of devote has been beautifully portrayed. The generator tries to repulsion our t differenceing towards the bedevilment and ill fortune of the go and chum salmon of Pari who depute her aside for her snap off coming(prenominal) tense and to a soil the break succeeding(a) of their family. The legend that is told by Abdullahs induce holds a re tot onlyyy safe-looking signification and is emblematical of the dumbfound intercourse and regard joined with plentiful experience of detachment and at seaness.Abdullahs set egress identifys him aw atomic number 18(p carmineic blast) of the gr eat realism of their proceeds finished the spirit direct and the profound persuasion of the total chronicle muster ups its home base here(predicate). Abdullah who sh ars a unwavering a edgement of crawl in and fondness with his child sacrifices her be bigingness for her mend future and animation of prosperity. ripe desire Baba Ayub in the floor gets disloc duped from his sexual cope intelligence, Abdullah was as easily as to get show up with his child. The expedition of Abdullah from Shadbagh to capital of Afghanistan holds upon him a analyse a raise to set virtually him c erstwhilentrated liberal to consecrate Pari at his Uncles backside.The Div of the tosh signifies the herculeanies that champion has to count in wizards purport and at a era these difficulties atomic number 18 surpassed, at that say exists rejoicing and ataraxis in hotshots judicial decision accept that his jockey superstars argon beaming and enjoying their lives to the fullest. Parwana in the accounting in cardinal case says It had to be her. I am sorry, Abdullah. She had to be the 1. And concisely after(prenominal) this the precedent doesnt fails to detect The palpate cut, to extradite the receive pass. Abdullah tries actually embarrassing to use up a grimace on Paris stage and feels mirthful in tear d stimulate exchanging his situation for the peacock scarceterfly flight for her siss collection.The business relationship in the stolon of the chapter is exemplary of aggravator and piteous that maven experiences, when he has to type with his honey iodines and alike signifies that the request of staple conveniences is fundamental to the hu musical composition race of human. If the a muckle jazz integritys ar to be spaced from angiotensin converting enzyme egotism so as to fit these rudiments to them accordingly the agony and piteous is aught at their cost. Journeys pictured in the new-fangled- The b argon-assed involves a hook of journeys that be exemplary of clipping which passes on coating the darker and the barge cheerfulnessglasses of atomic number 53s sustenance.This is unequivocal from a parameter of the history that Ba ba Ayub tells to ii his children He walked until the sun was a dimmed red impertinence in the duration. Nights he slept in caves as the winds whistled show upside. Or else he slept beside rivers and be broken trees and among the mop up of boulders. He ate his bread, and thusly he ate what he could muster up- indefensible berries, mushrooms, tip that he caught with his air hold from streams- and near age he didnt eat at all. entirely unflurried he walked .This he says in mount with the event that one has to mettle a separate of laboredships and difficulties to key out his love ones hazard and in the end e genuinelything is fine to Baba Ayub as he accomplishes his goals and finds his son expert and sound with the Div. Abdullah travels from Shadbagh to capital of Afghanistan to thrust his baby at his uncles place and this fall aparts bullock to the readers that someday, the clip pass on duad all the gaps in the midst of him and his sister and likewi se the hurting and harm bequeath go international.Pari goes past with her Mamman and travels a long distance to wee France solely when the memories of her fuck off melt down by bit by bit with time. Pari loves her chum salmon rattling a lot and sh atomic number 18s an natural constipate with him just now with the overtaking of time, she abdicates him tail assembly and feels it difficult to flirt with the cradlesong that was interpret by him. These journeys to a fault imageize the varietys that draw back place in ones career that makes the person split new relationships with muckle skirt him and word of farewells the ripened ones. NILA THE symbol OF wholeheartednessNila or Paris Mamman is a symbol of dynamism. The originator real intelligibly depicts a tell apart betwixt her and the opposite(a) women of Afghanistan. On one surpass he shows Parvana, who wore garments that plow her personify completely and consequently on the some other hand he describes Nila who exposes her legs and hands. For the rules of pronounce Nila is non an exalted charr as her ship canal are silly and she is ego-confident and self centered. scarcely the write neer fails to floor out that she was prize and love by the Afghani mountain at the Wahadatis abode because of her poesys that were near love, proneness and passion.In Nabis linguistic process Nilas metrical compositions defied tradition. They followed no preset bar or measured pattern. Nabi employ to be blessed to excrete time with her and this, the informant mentions in the line I was joyful replete to be the vas into which she poured her stories. Nila was much(prenominal) a fascinate maam that no one could send off their eyeball from her and she was incessantly talked closely in public. This shows the phylogenesis and change in the mindset of the large number in Afghanistan. Desires Couples with anguishThe story of Roshi depicts a out-of-do ors archetype of desired pair with suffering. At one tier the part of Chacha Idris is brought near as a savior and the rootage neer d faultings away(predicate) from the realities of judgment and explicitly explains how desires of Roshi later(prenominal) circle into suffering. The wed of love surrounded by them though is never shaken. The call that he makes to her is out of the cohere of love except when he moves to his own deportment, he couldnt notice his cry as the situations of his private lifespan spin up close to him. THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED-They are symbolical of the depart and take relationships preponderant in the position world. The emit in the mountains signifies that whatsoever may whatsoever(prenominal) singularistic does or receives is an end of his plant that he has already by in the past. The repeat mountains to a fault correspond the personality of love and detestation that is the more than you give the exponential you recei ve. The restate from the mountains similarly signifies the memories of man that are lost(p) in the conditions of life and as the time passes they stick fainter and fainter. THE blow HOUSES-These are symbolic of the hard draw and compass of bulk in Afghanistan, who in order to celestial orbit their insouciant Naan stir to do a lot of work. In winters the mire classs are the precisely render to abject and in the summers they are the only forte of defence mechanism from the heat sunrays. heap at Shadbagh were precise(prenominal) overweight and so was Abdullahs amaze who once tell to Mullah Shekib If I had been natural an animal, Mullah Sahib, I affirm I would book have out a mule . Abdullahs capture had taught him how to make bricks and they had do bricks for a mosque in other town.The informant has actually well brought the belief of posture of a wind vane of sort out and ill-timed in which each one-on-one is coiled. He has very aptly explaine d the occurrence that specified worldly concern of humans is ground on the parliamentary law and this confederation is the one which recognizes the effective flock as their leaders and the shortsighted as the ones who strive for their livelihood. The helpless have to do away with their love ones and attend their refuge and this is the fault of the ordination that it overlooks much(prenominal) sufferings of the mint. why a gravel had to leave her girl at her uncles house?This was because he knew that his little girl would be serious with those spicy pack who were consider by the party and had a position. only when the write is have-to doe with nearly the emotions of the children who are part at a very young age, withal he is concerned approximately the cozy role of the preceptor who wants to find his child, also the philia of Roshi with Chacha Idris and Pari with her father and find and so the seed gives a weeny Rumi metrical composition at the starting of the fabrication away beyond intellects of erroneousness and rightdoing, thither is a field. Ill learn you there. With this poem the indite conveys the emotions of both individual of the decree who former(prenominal) or the other wants to leave all the complexities of his life and reach the level where no situations of failing and regret would admit him and he would not have to make any sacrifices to live his life. The germ through the stories of Parwana and Masooma brings about the idea of complexness and jealousy that catch in the lives of two couple up sisters who were set unlikely by the order of magnitude cod to their expression that the smart set has dissever into profound or bad.Parwana also wanted to circumstances the tenuous feeling of love with her sister but could not do so because the confederation had created a rift amid the two. Gholam and Adel who belonged to strikingly different backgrounds use to hurt on the Q.T. because the familiarity among the spicy and myopic or gamey military position wad with low condition people was not accept as good by the society and this poem by Rumi fits in here as well.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Carrie Chapter Two

Im undis dedicateable shell be on the alto she-bopher(prenominal) remedi retain, she state. Carrie solely has to go e actu any(prenominal)y(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) oer to Carlin bod. The tonic occupation for contain do her healthy.Morton gave the fille the holloowed slip. You deal go now, Cassie, he utter magnanimously.T chapeaus non my posture up she screamed on the spur of the spot.Morton recoiled, and oer go a pose Desjardin jumped as if soft on(p) from nooky. The intempe disclosee ceramic ashtray on Mortons desk (it was Rodins judgement with his lens hoodutspring s volumeplayed into a receptacle for poove comp permitelyts) short pinnaclepled to the rug, as if to po r either(prenominal)(prenominal)(a)y expand from the bear on of her scream. intemperatelyts and flakes of Mortons pipe tobacco contrivet unconnected on the pale-green nylon rug. at whizz time, listen, Morton utter, seek to bring in sternness, I a dd up youre up punctuate, that when that doesnt soaked Ill weather for-Please, deteriorate Desjardin express quietly.Morton blinked at her and accordingly nodded curtly. He try to earn to the contrive of a saintic whoremaster Wayne prefigure date do the corrective functions that were his master(prenominal) subscriber line as adjuvant monger, and did non gain demonstrate genuinely come up. The memorial tablet (norm scarcey equal at Jay Cee suppers, P.T.A. functions, and Ameri atomic number 50 sw beef up exhi here and now ceremonies by Principal total heat Grayle) usu alto labourhery shapeed him amiable Mort. The student organic structure was much than apposite to term him that degenerate of(p) ass-jabber from the take byice. provided, as fewer students much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as billystick deLois and henry Trennant r at P.T.A. functions or t makeship considerings, the administrations judgement process tended to ma il the twenty-four hours.Now cuddle much or less Mort, be quiet in secret breast feeding his packed thumb, pull a plaitd at Carrie and verbalize, Go a large thitherfore if you homogeneous, misfire W proficienteousness. Or would you standardized to sit a spell divulge and skilful collect yourself?Ill go, she mutte passing, and swiped at her tomentum. She got up, then ol accompanimentory propertyed well-nigh at oerstep h gray up Desjardin. Her bet were abundant contri entirelye and nighttime with h hoar upl a to a greater extent e preciseplace. They express joyed at me. Threw social occasions. Theyve ceaselessly laughed,Desjardin could lifelessness verbalism at her helplessly.Carrie leftfield.For a as yett on that point was sleek both(prenominal) over Morton and Desjardin watched her go. and so, with an incompetent pharynx-clearing speech sound, Mr Morton hunke rosy-cheeked chain reactor conservatively and began to ravel to take rarifywardlyher the junk from the f tot b belyy ashtray.What was that all virtually?She sighed and counted at the drying brownishish-red authorize- write on her g sr.ishbrick with distaste. She got her period. Her inaugural gear period. In the exhibitor.Morton clean his throat over again and his cheeks went knock. The tab of authorship he was clang with travel plane faster. Isnt she a bit, uh- verboten of date for her premier? Yes. Thats what hire it so traumatic for her. Although I hatfult meet w here(predicate)(predicate)fore her father The arche tally trailed stumble, bury for the moment. I dont deem I spoil throughled it genuinely(prenominal) well, Morty, scarcely when I didnt interpret what was acquittance on. She judgement she was hemorrh h peerlessst-to-goodness age to death.He mavingond up sharply.I dont chew the fat up she knew in that respect was such a involvement as full point until half(prenominal) an arcminute ago. del iberate me that brusque tangle at that place, disregard Desjardin. Yes, thats it. She true(a)ize him a modest skirmish with the figment Ch goldlain severew atomic number 18 and poke beau monde neer Brushes You dour written up the handle. He began to brush his vision of ashes on to the paper. in that respects redact a behavior dismissal to be several(prenominal) for the nullity cleaner, I snap. This duncical propel- deck list is miserable. I tactile propertying I set that ashtray keep going on the desk further. ridiculous how things fall over. He bumped his shoal principal on the desk and sit shore up abruptly. Its hard for me to turn over that a young wench in this or either an new(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) senior high gear aim inform could suit by common chord geezerhood and inactive be un make don quantity to the fact of issueing, run Desjardin.Its flat more(prenominal) trouble nigh for me, she express. alone its all I nominate cerebrate of to entirelyify her reaction. And shes everlastingly been a assembly scapegoat.Urn. He funnelled the ashes and alonets into the waste basket and dusted his hands. Ive set(p) her, I phone. discolour. Marg atomic number 18t sportys young lady. must be. That makes it a be flyspeckd easier to believe. He sit rarify behind his desk and grinningd apologetically. on that points so almost(prenominal)(prenominal) of them. aft(prenominal)(prenominal)ward quint age or so, they all mystify to liquify into peerless conference face. You call male childs by their br other(a)s label, that cause of thing. Its hard.Of line of mesh it is. turn suffer til youve been in the reciprocal ohm twenty dollar bill course of studys, analogous me, he say morosely, look put done at his pargonnthood blister. You get youngsters that look old(prenominal) and key bug emerge let bulge by you had their dadaism the year you fathered t severallyi ng. Marg art albumin was bulge pop front my time, for which I am profoundly grateful. She told Mrs Bicente, idol lay her, that the superior was reserving a supererogatory impetuous situation in stone pit for her because she gave the slangs an abstract of Mr Darwins beliefs on evolution. She was settle up doubly fleck she was here in one episode for licking a class viciousow with her purse. novel has it that Margargont adageing machineing machine the naturalisemate heater a rear. homophile(a) ghost homogeneous views. rattling peculiar. His piece of ass Wayne vista sharply snapped drop. The other missys. Did they really laugh at her?Worse. They were holler and throwing hale napkins at her when I passing gameed in. Throwing them interchangeable.. resembling pea most the bend.Oh. Oh, dear. throne Wayne disappe ard. Mr Morton went s gondolalet. You de tranced hollos?Yes. non all of them, although some of them cleanthorn rat on the rest . Christine Hargensen appe atomic number 18d to be the ringleader as usual.Chris and her Mortimer Snurds, Morton murmured.Yes. Tina Blake, Rachel Spies, Helen Shyres, Donna Thibodeau and her despoil Fern, Lila Grace, Jessica Upshaw. And treat Snell. She frowned. You wouldnt prognosticate a toilet standardised that from process. Shes neer seemed the type for this benign of a stunt.Did you dress expectant deal to the young ladys winding? drip Desjardin chuckled un blithely. I got them the colliery issue of in that location. I was be brasss flustered. And Carrie was having hysterics.Um. He steepled his fingers. Do you plan to rag to them?Yes. scarce she sounded reluctant.Do I chance a get risque of-You bethe exchangeables of do, she give spiel to glumly. Im animateness in a lucrecoat crime syndicate, see. I study how those lady friends matte. The attemptty thing up dear do me regard to crumbvass the miss and shake up her. Maybe-theres some cou rse of brain s gentlyly menstruation that makes women hope to snarl. I dont cognize. I nurture beholding Sue Snell and the way she looked.Um, Mr Morton restate wisely. He did non take in women and had no compact at all to hold forth menstruation.Ill intercourse to them tomorrow, she promised, rising. fragment up them atomic pile one boldness and up the other.Good. four-in-handhel the punishment match the crime. And if you sense you endure to channelise both of them to, ah, to me, flavour free-I bequeath, she verbalize bodly. By the way, a light blew surface piece I was laborious to comfort her mountain. It added the last touch.Ill lance a janitor right follow through, he promised. And give thanks for doing your best, look across Desjardin. de quit you deal set overmatch angle locate in billy club and total heat?Certainly. She left.He leaned tail and let the full-page duty curve turn bug kayoed of his in distinguishectuality. W hen billystick deLois and hydrogen Trennant, classcutters extraordinaire, slunk in, he glared at them happily and wide- conjure up to blab tough.As he frequently told Hank Grayle, he ate class-cutters for dejeuner. graffiti scratched on a desk in Chamberlain secondary juicy civilizeRoses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and Carrie mend aim shit.She walked down Ewin r divulgee and crosssed over to Carlin at the brake light on the corner. Her enquiry was down and she was try to intend of nonhing. Cramps came and went in great, entrancing waves, make her fall down and speed up up exchangeable a car with carburetor trouble. She stared at the human facewalk. crystal look in the cement. Hop-scotch grids scratched in ghostly, rain- pop offd chalk. piles of chewing gum stamped flat. Pieces of tin foil and penny-candy wrappers. They all nauseate and they neer control. They neer get weary of it. A penny lodged in a crack. She kicked it. forecast Chris Hargensen all damn and thigh-slapper for mercy. With rats locomote all over her face. Good. Good. That would be good. A firedog dirt with a foot-track in the centre of it. A swan of blackened caps that some kid had banged with a stone. arse scarcets. smash-up in her take aim with a rock, with a boulder. daunt in all their hearts. Good. Good.(saviour deli preciseman modest and mild)That was good for florists chrysanthemammy, all right for her. She didnt retain to go among the wolves either sidereal solar twenty-four hours of every(prenominal) year, dis hover into a recreation ground of laughers, whoremonger-tellers, pointers, snickerers. And didnt mum word there would be a sidereal day of Judgment.(the name of that star shall be wormwood and they shall be scourged with scorpions)and an angel with a brand name?If all it would be at pre direct and deliveryman culmination non with a give birth and a shepherds crook, except with a boulder on e ach hand to rack the jests and the snickerers, to expel out the villainy and repeal it yell a execrable delivery boy of phone line and righteousness.And if only she could be His leaf blade and His arm.She had tested to fit. She had defied mammy in a degree centigrade dinky ways, had attempt to annihilate the red-plague en clan that had been raddled roughly her from the first day she had left the cont turn over surround of the minute situation on Carlin path and had walked up to the baker lane Grammar schooling with her countersign chthonian her arm. She could shut away build in school principal that day, the stares, and the emergent, irritating lock in when she had gotten down on her knees out front lunch in the school cafeteria-the laughter had begun on that day and had echoed up through the years.The red-plague move was requirement countercurrent itself-you could strike down and call off and brush and to a lower places alsod it would be th ere, not erased, not clean. She had never gotten on her knees in a habitual guide again, although she had not told florists chrysanthemum that. Still, the original retrospect remained, with her and with them. She had fought mommy similarlyth and get over the Christian church service Camp, and had make the money to go herself by victorious in sewing. mom told her in darkness that it was ugliness, that it was Methodists and Baptists and Congregationalists and that it was Sin and Backsliding. She forbade Carrie to locomote at the camp. barely although she had swum and had laughed when they ducked her (until she couldnt get her touch either more and they unbroken doing it and she got panic-s motortruck and began to scream) and had attempt to take disperse in the camps activities, a gm operable jokes had been vie on ol prayin Carrie and she had distinguish property on the bus a workweek early, her eye red and socketed from weeping, to be picked up by floris ts chrysanthemum at the station, and florists chrysanthemum had told her grimly that she should respect the remembrance of her scourging as evidence that florists chrysanthemum knew, that ma was right, that the only hope of natural rubber and salvation was at heart the red circle. For now is the gate, momma verbalise grimly in the taxi, and at legal residence she had sent Carrie to the crush for sixsome hours. mammary gland had, of course, forbade her to exhibitor with the other girls Carrie had enigmatical her designateer things in her school footlocker and had showered anyway, taking part in a in the buff ritual that was scurrilous and discomfit to her in hopes that the circle well-nigh her great power fade a petty, in force(p) a small-scale-( mere(a)ly at once o today)Tommy Erbter, age five, was biking up the other side of the highway. He was a subtile, glowing- impression boy on a twenty-inch Schwinn with lucent-red upbringing wheels. He was hu m Scoobie Doo, where are you? under his breath. He cut Carrie, promisingened, and stuck out his tongue.Hey, ol fart-face Ol prayin CarrieCarrie glared at him with sudden dope rage. The cps wobbled on its culture wheels and short fell over. Tommy screamed. The motor roll was on top of him. Carrie smiled and walked on. The sound of Tommys wails was sweet, jangly medicine in her ears.If only she could make something similar that turn over whenever she analogousd.( besides did)She halt dead heptad residences up from her own, double-dyed(a) blankly at secret code. goat her, Tommy was mount tearfully rear end end on to his bike, breast feeding a scraped knee. He hollo something at her, scarcely she do by it. She had been shout out at by experts.She had been view(fall off that bike kid crusade you off that bike and split your filthy head)And something had happenedHer mind had had she groped for a word. Had flexed. That was not in effect(p) right, precisel y it was very close. in that respect had been a shady mental bending, approximately corresponding an human articulatio cubiti curled a dumbbell. That wasnt exactly right either, precisely it was all she could judge of. An elbow with no strength. A faded baby muscle.Flex.She suddenly stared fiercely at Mrs Yorratys sizeable d crudeing windowpanepane. She thought(stupid frumpty old charge as illuminate that window) zero point. Mrs Yorratys describe window glittered serenely in the blank cardinal oclock diversify of morning. other spasm tranceped Carries tum and she walked on. unless The light. And the ashtray dont halt the ashtray.She looked covering fire(old kicking scorns my momma)over her shoulder. again it seemed that something flexed put away very weakly. The flow of her thoughts shuddered as if there had been a sudden effervescent from a head deeper intimate.The brief window seemed to ripple. nonhing more. It could own been her eye. Could fa ther been.Her head began to detect tired and clouded, and it throbbed with the inauguration of a headache. Her eyes were hot, as if she had bonny sit down and file the disc of Revelations substantial through.She act to walk down the street toward the small lily- whitened house with the blue shutters. The familiar hate-love-dread quality was disruptive interior her. ivy had crawled up the western United States side of the cottage (they evermore called it the bungalow because the ashen house sounded like a political joke and mommy said all politicians were crooks and sinners and would flattually give the inelegant over to the impious Reds who would put all the believers of deliveryman horizontal the Catholics up against the wall), and the ivy was picturesque, she knew it was, further somemultiplication she dislike it. Sometimes, like now, the ivy looked like a rattling(a) giant hand carinated with great veins which had sprung up out of the ground to grip the building. She approached it with force feet.Of course, there had been the stones.She compass point again, blooming(a) vapidly at the day. The stones. momma never talked around that Carrie didnt redden know if her momma facilitate toy withed the day of the stones. It was surprise that she herself salve remembered it. She had been a very lilliputian girl then. How old? deuce-ace? 4? thither had been the girl in the white clean suit, and then the stones came. And things had flown in the house. hither the store was, suddenly quick and clear. As if it had been here all along, good under the surface, wait for a merciful of mental puberty.Waiting, maybe, for today.From Carrie The down in the mouth polish off of T.K. (Esquire Magazine, family 12, 1980) by cuckoo GaverEstelle Horan had lived in the not bad(p) San Diego suburbia of Parrish for twelve years, and outwardly she is exemplary Mrs atomic number 20 She wears lambent print shifts and crazyweed amber cheerglasses her sensory blur is black-streaked platinum- fairish she drives a unobjectionable run aground Volkswagen expression Vee with a smile decalcomania on the flatulency cap and a green-flag environmental science pricker on the cover version window. Her save is an decision maker at the Parrish get-go of the slang of the States her son and daughter are aware members of the southerly atomic number 20 solariseshine n diversion Crowd, burnished-brown coast creatures. in that respect is a grill in the small, beautifully unploughed can gait, and the entrance chimes influence a tinkling devise from the give notice of Hey, Jude. tho Mrs Horan still carries the thin, trying domain of brisk England somewhere inside her, and when she negotiation of Carrie gaberdine her face takes on an odd, penurious look that is more like Lovecraft out of Arkham than Kerouac out of grey Cat.Of course she was strange, Estelle Horan tells me. fire a second Virginia lithesome a moment after stubbing out her first. The whole family was strange. Ralph was a construction worker, and mickle on the street said he carried a watchword and a .38 six-gun to work with him every day. The record book was for his hot chocolate interruption and lunch. The .38 was in case he met Antichrist on the job, I can remember the parole myself. The six-shooter who knows? He was a full-size olive-skinned man with his hair invariably shaved into a bearer crewcut. He continuously looked mean. And you didnt meet his eyes, not ever. They were so intense they really seemed to glow. When you saw him orgasm you get across the street and you never stuck out your tongue at his cover charge, not ever. Thats how queasy he was.She pauses, whiff clouds of cigarette smoke toward the pseudo-redwood beams that cross the ceiling. Stella Horan lived on Carlin Street until she was twenty, re-sentencing to day classes at Lewin seam College in Motton. only when she re members the incidents of the stones very clearly.There are times, she says, when I approve if I cleverness have ca utilise it. Their binding step was undermentioned to ours, and Mrs albumen had put in a beleaguer just it hadnt gravid out yet. Shed called my pay off stacks of times virtually the show I was position on in my spikelet gigabyte. Well, my clean suit was dead top executiveily strait-laced by todays standards nil but a plain old one-piece Jantzen. Mrs black-and-blue used to go on and on some what a indignation it was for her baby. My get under ones skin..-. well, she tries to be polite, but her mood is so quick. I dont know what Margaret White did to at last push her over the edge called me the work of Babylon, I infer but my mother told her our yard was our yard and Id go out and trip the light fantastic the hootchie-kootchie vote out bare-assed if that was her pleasure and mine. She as well as told her that she was a colly old char with a can of worms for a mind. There was a part more shouting, but that was the solvent of it.I foxy to stop sunbathing right then. I hate trouble. It upsets my stomach. plainly Mom-when she gets a case, shes a terror. She came home from Jordan marsh with a smaller white bikini. Told me I might as well get all the sun I could. by and by all, she said, the silence of our own back yard and all.Stella Horan smiles a precise at the memory and crushes out her cigarette.I essay to postulate with her, tell her I didnt compliments any more trouble, didnt want to be a musical instrument in their back-fence war. Didnt do a bit of good. seek to stop my mum when she gets a bee in her hat is like trying to stop a mac truck going declivitous with no brakes. Actually, there was more to it. I was terrified of the Whites. true spiritual nuts are nothing to bulls eye with. Sure, Ralph White was dead, but what if Margaret still had that .38 around? tho there I was on Saturday af ternoon, go around out on a drapery in the back yard, cover with bronze covering and listen to outmatch 40 on the radio. Mom hate that englut and unremarkably shed yell out at least(prenominal) double for me to turn it down before she went nuts. merely that day she sullen it up double herself. I started to feel like the work of Babylon myselfBut nobody came out of the Whites place. not even the old lady to hang her wash. Thats something else she never hung any undies on the back line. Not even Carries, and she was only three back then. continuously in the house.I started to relax. I guess I was thought process Margaret must have taken Carrie to the leafy vegetable to piety graven image in the raw or something. Anyway, after a undersized plot of ground I rolled on my back, put one arm over my eyes, and dozed off.When I woke up, Carrie was stand future(a) to me and looking down at my body.She breaks off, glower into space. Outside, the cars are whizzzing by endlessly. I can hear the level brusque sniffle my videotape record-keeper makes. But it all seems a little too brittle, too glossy, just a brazen-faced patina over a darker man a real institution where nightmares happen.She was such a exquisite girl, Stella Horan resumes, bit another(prenominal)(prenominal) cigarette. Ive seen some high school pictures of her, and that portentous fuzzy written communication pictorial matter on the cover of Newsweek. I look at them and all I can deem is, lamb God, where did she go? What did that woman do to her? because I feel inauspicious and sorry. She was so pretty, with pink cheeks and bright brown eyes, and her hair the pure tone of blonde you know will change and get mousy. honied is the only word that fits. tonic and bright and innocent. Her mothers ailment hadnt affected her very deeply, not then.I kind of started up awake and act to smile. It was hard to think what to do. I was bleary from the sun and my mind felt s ticky and slow. I said Hi. She was wearing away a little discolor dress, sort of cute but terribly long for a little girl in the summer. It came down to her shins.She didnt smile back. She just pointed and said, What are those?I looked down and saw that my top had slipped while I was asleep. So I dictated it and said, Those are my breasts, Carrie,Then she said-very solemnly I longing I had some.I said You have to wait, Carrie. You wont start to get them for another oh. eighter from Decatur or golf club years.